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PlannerCon Europe 2019

I’m back from PlannerCon Europe, it’s time for me to take some rest but before taking this little break I want to thank you for visiting us during this great weekend.

A lot of you never heard about FunForYou, I was profoundly touched by your friendly words. I took note of your appreciations, your requests, your suggestions and thanks to you I will improve FunForYou by making important changes

Here are the highlights of these changes :

  • The FunForYou website will soon be in both French and English languages.

  • On our website we will post pictures of layout examples that you can do with our stencils. These examples will be classified into categories: Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Tackers

  • We will also post video tutorials on our website. These videos will show you easy and fast layout examples that you can do with our stencils and stamps.

  • The soon to be launching of a crowdfunding campaign helping me offer you the notebook of your dreams (and mine too); a dotted notebook made out of a very thick paper (thick enough so that the ink and watercolor are not bleeding on the back of the sheet).

Of course I will need time to organize all of these improvements.

Again, thank you so much to all of you and to Alex who has been supporting me since the beginning of the FFY adventure and who helped me the whole weekend, and of course a special mention to my Mum for all her help.



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Thank you !

En vous inscrivant à notre newsletter vous recevrez chaque mois des conseils pour réaliser de belles mises en pages dans votre Bullet Journal ou votre planner à l'aide de nos pochoirs et minis tampons en bois. Vous serez aussi informé de toute nos nouveautés: Pochoirs, Clear stamps, notebook et plus. 

Mentions Légales
Copyright © 2018 FunForYou

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