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3 Mood Tracker Ideas for December

A single stencil is enough to create a nice Mood Tracker in your Bullet Journal. In December, we only used a single stencil to create our Mood Trackers, each exemple is either created with a layout stencil or a decorative stencil.

First example: For this layout we used the « Round Tracker » stencil combined with Christmas stickers from our brand new « Printable Journal Kit »

Second example: For this layout we used our « Mini Christmas Doodle Stencil ». We chose to use repeatedly on the page a single doodle from this Stencil.

Third example: For this last layout, our PR Team ambassador @azaleine_ has used the same stencil as in the previous example but in this one she used each and every doodle from our « Mini Christmas Doodle Stencil ».



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En vous inscrivant à notre newsletter vous recevrez chaque mois des conseils pour réaliser de belles mises en pages dans votre Bullet Journal ou votre planner à l'aide de nos pochoirs et minis tampons en bois. Vous serez aussi informé de toute nos nouveautés: Pochoirs, Clear stamps, notebook et plus. 

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